Caramelized Honey
Caramelized Honey
Caramelized Honey is the last honey to be processed after our honey extraction. It is melted down with the left over wax pasteurizing it in the process. As it melts the wax floats to the top and the honey sinks to the bottom. The honey is then drained, filtered and ready for bottling.
This honey is ideal for cooking and baking as it has a rich, dark caramelized taste and thick consistancy.
Caramelized Honey
Caramelized Honey is the last honey to be processed after our honey extraction. It is melted down with the left over wax pasteurizing it in the process. As it melts the wax floats to the top and the honey sinks to the bottom. The honey is then drained, filtered and ready for bottling.
This honey is ideal for cooking and baking as it has a rich, dark caramelized taste and thick consistancy.